

me: checks out website “lesbiansovereverything.com”

the website: apparently has no content featuring trans lesbians, but does have vocal TERFs and other transmisogynists in the comments

me: Wow, This Is SO Surprising, And It’s A Good Thing I’m SO Surprised By This, Because If I Weren’t, That Would Be Very Lesbiphobic Of Me, And Unfair On My Cis #Allies….I Would Literally Be Undoing All Of Their Hard Work By Dividing Their Lesbian Community, Which Definitely #Includes Trans Lesbians, Except For This Website Which Is Just One Weird Outlier


Mhmm Yes, Love 2 Be T & Betray The G And L (Mostly Ls)



Like…..This is what every corny cis lesbian separatist pining for The Good Old Days is like. This is what navigating Lesbian-Focused (as they said, Lesbians Over Everything) content made by cis lesbians is like for trans lesbians. Sometimes we get Sara Ahmed – who is excellent and makes a point of really talking about trans lesbians specifically in her lesbian feminist writing 💜 – but usually, we get this shit instead. So it’s really tiring when even nominally Trans-Inclusive cis lesbians get all confused at trans lesbians being wary of Lesbian Separatist stuff like “why would you think lesbian separatism wouldn’t be trans-inclusive??” Why wouldn’t we? Their confusion just goes to show that the transmisogyny of other cis lesbians doesn’t even register to them, and that when trans lesbians talk about it, they don’t listen, or brush us off as just being Oversensitive/Hysterical/Entitled/Self-Centered/Paranoid and/or having (Internalized) Lesbiphobia

Weird how this keeps happening with online cis lesbian content specifically 🤔


replied to your post “Communists should always, always be in support of sex workers. They’re…”

i’m pretty sure karl marx could call sex work societal degradation and exploitation of the individual sex worker. he advocated for women specifically not being in the workforce at all actually, in the manifesto

Turns out old dead white dudes can be wrong about some things.

(1) the Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1848 is NOT the best representation of Marx’s thought

(2) theory is developed scientifically over time through social practice & class struggle – it is dogmatic Metaphysics and literally un-Marxist to recourse to “well Marx said [x]” to override the knowledge accumulated through class struggle since Marx lived and ignore the development of present conditions

Whatever is written in a book is right — such is still the mentality of culturally backward Chinese peasants. Strangely enough, within the Communist Party there are also people who always say in a discussion, “Show me where it’s written in the book.” When we say that a directive of a higher organ of leadership is correct, that is not just because it comes from “a higher organ of leadership” but because its contents conform with both the objective and subjective circumstances of the struggle and meet its requirements. It is quite wrong to take a formalistic attitude and blindly carry out directives without discussing and examining them in the light of actual conditions simply because they come from a higher organ. It is the mischief done by this formalism which explains why the line and tactics of the Party do not take deeper root among the masses. To carry out a directive of a higher organ blindly, and seemingly without any disagreement, is not really to carry it out but is the most artful way of opposing or sabotaging it.

The method of studying the social sciences exclusively from the book is likewise extremely dangerous and may even lead one onto the road of counter-revolution. Clear proof of this is provided by the fact that whole batches of Chinese Communists who confined themselves to books in their study of the social sciences have turned into counter-revolutionaries. When we say Marxism is correct, it is certainly not because Marx was a “prophet” but because his theory has been proved correct in our practice and in our struggle. We need Marxism in our struggle. In our acceptance of his theory no such formalisation of mystical notion as that of “prophecy” ever enters our minds. Many who have read Marxist books have become renegades from the revolution, whereas illiterate workers often grasp Marxism very well. Of course we should study Marxist books, but this study must be integrated with our country’s actual conditions. We need books, but we must overcome book worship, which is divorced from the actual situation.

How can we overcome book worship? The only way is to investigate the actual situation….

Oppose Book Worship you fucking nerds





so as this post says, if you’r finding your blog is all jumbled, old posts popping up to the front, new posts not showing up at all, etc it is because of those posts being flagged and then unflagged. all you have to do is open them to edit and save them again and they’ll go back. 

i just wanted to make this separate post to add that once you do that all your new posts will go back to being visible at the top of your blog as they should be i just did it and now everything’s fine on my blog. 


lol, and here I was feeling bad for being paranoid.

This worked for me with a slight addition:

I had to do the edit+save thing for all of the posts that had been flagged and then unflagged, and also for a number of unflagged posts I made in the last few days which were also appearing out of order near the top of my blog, underneath the flagged-and-then-unflagged posts (I believe that these were posts I made or reblogged shortly after I appealed the flagged posts.)

Written out very tediously:

(1) Click Edit on any post appearing incorrectly / out of order at the top of the index page

(2) Click Save

(3) Refresh the index page

(4) Check if there are still any posts appearing incorrectly at the top of the index page:

  • If there are no such posts, i.e. the index page matches the archive page, then Stop
  • Otherwise, i.e. there is still still a post appearing out of order, repeat from (1)

After doing this, I made a test post, which successfully appeared right at the top of my blog. I also sent the permalink for that post to someone else, who confirmed they could see it

On a heartbreaking note: lesbianartandartists has been reblogging posts in their archive that have been flagged for deletion since yesterday

All the while, “woman-centering” “radical” “feminists” on this site have been absolutely gloating over the new policy. They’ve completely dropped the theatrics of caring about “lesbian history being erased” right when lesbians’ and bi women’s history, culture, and art are literally being Erased by capitalists in real-time