
the same thing we see with white people disproportionately hating anime disguising their racism, orientalism, and xenophobia with progressive concerns (ex: blaming anime for the proliferation of p*dophilia and r*pe in media, as if those things didn’t exist before anime became popular in the west) we see white people mocking k-pop and k-pop stars as if k-pop is the only industry in the world that is exploitative and weird, as if wester pop itself isn’t in many ways worse (and ofc white people don’t focus on the legitimate criticisms of k-pop as an antiblack industry bc white western pop stars aren’t antiblack). 

like i hate k-pop and its fans and the industry and i think the jokes can be funny but at a certain point as usual these jokes swing wildly into the racist and xenophobic territory smh

especially because most of the mockery doesn’t even focus on the right things. like people don’t focus on how grossly exploitative or misogynistic the industry is, or how creepy and fetishistic the fans are, or how antiblack both the fans and idols are 

and it’s especially funny when i see “leftists” who are fans of one direction or other american/western pop stars and bands do this shit as if their faves are somehow above their mockeries of k-pop idols 

anyway inevitably some fucking white idiot who can’t read will get angry at me for writing this but i’m not a k-pop fan and i can’t name a single k-pop band lol. i’m just saying, as a south asian person, that the way people talk about east asian industries and hold them to standards they don’t hold western industries is actually really racist and xenophobic! 

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