
Okay so I figured out why white liberals are so vehemently defending Sabrina and a bunch of other “diverse” shows:

They, on some level, believe in trite diversity and representation at a very superficial level but they also believe in purity politics and it’s dogma. So they construct these standards and then reinforce them to themselves that having X politics and liking Y shows makes them a good ally. But when poc or another marginalized group says “Y show has some problems that hurt people like me” they get angry because purity politics dictates they should in theory stop liking Y show. But they LIKE Y show so instead of listening to what poc are saying, they need to reject any questions of Y show being problematic so they can keep watching it guilt free.

They are drowning in a prison of their own creation and taking out their frustration with this prison(cancellation culture, supporting the “right” kind of shows, being a good ally through consuming the right things and saying the right words instead of a focus on actions and listening) on people of color who speak out. This is also a great way to release the built up racism they hide under the surface because it’s okay to racially bash a person of color who doesn’t like Y show because Y show = diverse = morally correct so anything against Y show is morally incorrect. We see this with Steven Universe The Bold Type B99 and more recently Sabrina.

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